We had developed concept of the laptop panels broken reworking. We are specialized in laptop panel broken and hinges broken and other broken area Reworked.
In case your laptop damaged don't worry about it bring here, any kind of broken, fully damaged or hinges damaged, we are providing excellent solutions for your broken laptops. After reworking your laptop it will be look like new one.
When you face problems like broken or not working properly You need to take help of experts to service or repair them. 
The lap-tech is one of the leading service providers of laptop repairs and service in sivagangai
we offer reliable broken laptop service same day delivery with one week warranty for all kinds of damages. if your laptop damaged with full or partial damages of the panels, damages of the hinges or damages of the bottom panel like D panels. And any other problems. We repair then and bring back their lost glory.
This reworking which avoid higher spare cost,time, ensure fast delivery.....
DON'T Throw it!!! we can help u
The Laptech in sivagangai